"…until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time." Daniel 11:35
The Grecian Wars
Ch. 11, verses 1 – 35, describes in amazing detail the Grecian wars that involved the remnants of Alexander’s empire down to the time of Antiochus Epiphanes.
The Kings of the South are the line of Ptolemy, and the Kings of the North are the line of Seleucus. (Antiochus Epiphanes was a Seleucid king.)
For example, v 11 and 12 refer to the battle of Raphia, and v. 18 refers to Magnesia
Verses 21 – 35 refer to the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes, and his persecution of the Jews. (which may explain the attention given to the Persian and Greek empires. Both empires persecuted the Jews. (Recall Haman in Esther.))
v. 32-35 describe the Maccabees, and their victory. (Hanukkah comes from this time)
Signs of the End Times
False Messiahs (Matt. 24:4-5)
Wars and rumors of wars (Matt. 24:6-7)
Famines and earthquakes (Matt. 24:7) (But it’s all just the beginning, verse 8)
Persecution of those who follow God (Matt. 24:9), and apostasy (v. 11)
The love of many will grow cold (Mat. 24:12)
The Gospel will be preached in all the world! (Matt. 24:14)
Paul’s warning signs in II Timothy 3:1-5
The rebirth of Israel (Matt. 24:32-35)
The Rapture
The Rapture is beautifully described in I Thess. 4:15-17
When will the rapture occur? Here are some arguments for why it will occur before the Tribulation (the 70th seven referred to in Daniel 9:27)
In the first three chapters of Revelation, the Church is mentioned 19 times as being on earth. However, in Revelation 4-19, which describes the Great Tribulation, there is not one mention of the Church on the earth
Matthew 24 focuses on Israel, and not the Church. Verse 16 says those in Judea will flee to the hills. Verse 20 says pray it does not happen on the Sabbath.
I Thess. 1:10 and I Thess. 5:9 say we are not appointed to suffer wrath
See II Thess. 2:1-9. Paul says the man of lawlessness will come (v. 3,4) but he will not be revealed (v. 8) until the one who is a restraining influence is taken away (v. 7) It is thought the Holy Spirit is this restraining influence, and will be taken away when the Church is taken in the rapture. Then, the antichrist will be revealed through evil signs (v. 10). This may be the start of the final 3 ½ years of the Tribulation.
2 Principles
#1) Salvation through Christ is the only way to escape the coming darkness (John 14:6)
We should be ready at any moment to meet Jesus face to face (I Thess. 5:2)
For next week, read Daniel 11:36-45, Ezekiel 38 & 39