Lesson 12: "The Last Battle" Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38 & 39
"They gathered the kings together to the place called Armageddon" Rev. 16:16
What Will Come Before
We’ve already talked about the signs described in Matthew 24, and we’ve already talked about the rise of the Antichrist
Troubles and calamities, but also peace and safety (I Thess. 5:3, Matt. 24:38-40)
The Jews will return to their homeland (Matt. 24, and Ezekiel 36-37)
After the Rapture, the Antichrist’s nature will change, and his satanic destiny will be revealed (I Thess. 2:7,8) An example of this is in Rev. 13:2-4.
And, according to Daniel 9:27, he will turn on the Jews, and break his covenant
What Revelation Has To Say
The Seven Seals; Rev. 6 - (similar to the things described in Matthew 24) (example, the 6th seal, does it describe meteors or asteroids falling to earth? Nuclear war?)
The Seven Trumpets; Rev. 8 – the intensity of the judgement increases. More of the world is affected
(Some think Rev. 9:7-10 describe helicopters, that Rev. 9:17,18 describe tanks, that Isaiah 5:26-30 describes air flight)
The Seven Bowls; Rev. 16 – the judgement now encompasses the world
The Antichrist and His Power
He will be joined by a False Prophet (Rev. 13:11) that will set up a church devoted to the worship of the Antichrist
He will have power over the nations (Rev. 13:7,8) The Antichrist’s power over governments and religions is known as Babylon in Rev. 17
The Beast will have great economic power (Rev. 13)
The Sinful Nature Refuses To Repent
Despite the many terrible judgements, humankind refuses to bow before God. People hang on to their wickedness (Eph. 4:19, I Peter 4:4)
Their stubbornness is blatant (Rev. 9:20-21, Rev. 16:9,11)
God’s Two Witnesses are killed (Rev. 11)
2 Principles
#1) No one knows the day or hour of the Lord’s return (Matthew 24:36,44)
Because we don’t know when Christ will return, worrying about when the trouble will come should not be our primary focus. Our responsibility is to live as an example of Christ in this world. (Matthew 22:34-36)
For next week, read Daniel 11:36-45, Ezekiel 38 & 39, Zechariah 14