Lesson 13: "Not The End, But An End" Daniel 12, Ezekiel 38 & 39, Zech. 14
"On that day HOLY TO THE LORD will be inscribed…" Zech. 14:20
God and His infinite mercy
Even if the Holy Spirit has been taken from the earth at this point, and even as the terrible judgements fall on the earth, God is not absent. He still maintains a witness.
For instance, last week we mentioned the Two Witnesses of Rev. 11. They come to demonstrate God’s power (Also, see Zechariah 4)
Rev. 7 describes 144,000 witnesses sealed by God. The same chapter describes saints standing before God that had come out of the tribulation (Rev. 7:14)
Rev. 14 describes the 144,000 as standing with God, and keeping themselves pure from this evil world. Rev. 14 also describes angels proclaiming the Gospel to the earth as well as warnings of judgement
Remember how the 3 series of 7 judgements seem to increase in scope and intensity? Was this perhaps to get the attention of people, and give them a chance to repent? Why would God do all of the above?
Finally, as the troubles, the evil, the destruction almost spiral out of control (see Daniel 12:1, Matt. 24:21,22) the armies of the world converge on Israel.
They will meet in the Valley of Megiddo (Rev. 16:16), not far from Nazareth
The nations march against Israel and Jerusalem (Zech. 14:2)
The nations march for and against the Antichrist (Daniel 11:40-45)
Who are the nations involved?
Dan. 11 mentions the king of the South, king of the North, troubling reports from the east and north
Rev. 16:12 says the Euphrates would dry up for the kings of the east; Rev. 9:15,16 says their army would be 200,000,000 strong.
Ezekiel mentions Gog and Magog, and Gomer, Meschah and Tubal. Gog is an unknown, the others were sons of Japheth (Genesis 10:2) It is thought these tribes settled the lands north of Israel, places like Turkey, Central Asia, Russia, etc…
Ezekiel 38:5 mentions nations of Africa (Cush and Put) and Persia
Ezekiel 38:13 may refer to nations not directly part of the battle who stand off and do nothing to stop the battle
The Battle and the Aftermath
Great earthquake (Ezek. 38:21; Zech. 14:5; Rev. 16:18), massive destruction (Zech. 14:12,13; Ezek. 39:9,10; Rev. 15:20), Babylon and the Antichrist defeated (Rev. 18, Daniel 11:45)
Last words to Daniel (Daniel 12:4,9)
1 Principle
#1) Praise God and Hallelujah that we belong to the Almighty God! (Rev. 19)