"until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign…" Daniel 4:32
An Arrogant Attitude
Imagine if Saddam Hussein said… (e.g. 4:37)
Nebuchadnezzar had accomplished a great deal. (e.g. see Ezek. 29:17-20) He had everything a man could want. (see 4:4)
Another Troublesome Dream
Nebuchadnezzar dreams again, perhaps as many as 30 years after the first dream
Again, as before, his wise men could not interpret the dream (v. 7) Notice that the king didn’t try to test them and make the wise men describe the dream
What does ‘Finally’ mean in verse 8?
Look at verse 9. Notice how the king’s idolatry is never very far from him
The Dream
Nebuchadnezzar was the tree. It was magnificent, but it was not indestructible.
Daniel was troubled by the meaning of the dream. (v. 19)
But despite the meaning of the dream, God allowed a period of grace (v. 29)
A Painful Lesson
The instant Nebuchadnezzar let his pride rule his heart, the dream came true.
Why make the king like an animal? And notice he wasn’t a great lion or some such beautiful animal. He was a filthy beast.
A Final Tribute
It had taken a long time, but Nebuchadnezzar finally acknowledged who was Lord
Nebuchadnezzar was humbled (see v. 37)
3 Principles
#1) God seriously disapproves of pride and arrogance (see Prov. 6:16-19, Isa. 14:12-14)
Though God "hates" pride, He is patient and wants us to turn from this sin so that He will not have to discipline us (Heb. 12:7-10)
God will respond to our prayers for help (I Peter 3:9)