Lesson 8: "Great Empires That Crumbled" Daniel 7 & 8
"seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future…" Daniel 8:26
Troubling and Awesome Experiences
It’s a solemn and awesome privilege to be in the presence of God. See Rev. 1:17, Isa. 6:1-5, Acts 9:3-9.
It was the same for Daniel. See 7:15, 7:28, 8:27. Let us appreciate the holiness of prophecy, and consider our study to be on holy ground.
Dreams and Visions
Note the year these visions came to Daniel. The vision of Ch. 7 is very much related to the dream Daniel interpreted some 50 years earlier in Ch. 2.
Ch. 7 adds detail to what was in Ch. 2. Head of gold -> winged lion. Chest of silver -> bear -> ram. Thighs of bronze -> leopard -> goat. Legs of iron and feet of clay -> strange beast.
The triumph of 7:11-14 echoes the triumph of 2:44-45
The First Little Horn
The ten horns correspond to the ten toes. Perhaps not a revival of the Roman Empire itself, but nations from the former territory of the Roman Empire.
The little horn comes out of these 10 nations (7:8) and is the Antichrist. (See 7:24-27, Rev. 13:1)
The Little Horn of Chapter 8
Generally taken to refer to Antiochus IV Epiphanes. He took the throne by murdering his brother. He legitimized his rule through flattery and bribery. He was an infamous persecutor of the Jews. He desecrated the Temple by erecting a statue of Zeus and sacrificing swine in the sanctuary.
It may be this horn of Ch. 8 is a foreshadowing of the horn of Ch.7. They are both empowered by Satan. They are known for their smooth tongues. They both make themselves out to be Gods. (his coins said God Manifest). The Abomination that Causes Desolation. (See. Matt. 24:15). Also, see Rev. 17:8-14)
The Antichrist will be a man of deceit (Rev. 12:9, II Thess. 2:3-4). He will bring peace and prosperity (8:25). But destruction comes suddenly (I. Thess. 5:3)
3 Principles
#1) We can rest assured that future prophecies will be fulfilled
We must avoid coming to premature conclusions concerning biblical prophecies
A proper study of prophecy will motivate Christians to study God’s Word more