Lesson 10: "God’s Counseling Model" I Kings 19:9-18
"And after the fire came a gentle whisper." I Kings 19:12
Elijah’s problems were more than physical
From Beersheba to Horeb was about 200 miles. Only 5 miles a day!
This was the man who outran a chariot for 20 miles!
What is it about deserts? (Moses, Jesus, etc…)
Elijah was feeling alone (v.9-10)
Why Mt. Horeb? (i.e. Mt. Sinai)
The Lord’s first counseling session
With his question, God gave Elijah a chance to express his feelings (v.9-10)
Elijah had been zealous for God, but Elijah’s depression distorted his views. He wasn’t the only one left. (Obadiah, prophets, etc…)
Even though God’s question might have been to remind Elijah that he came to Horeb without God’s leading, God was not judgmental.
The Lord’s Counsel
The Lord was not in the wind
The Lord was not in the earthquake
(recall Exod. 19:18)
The Lord was not in the fire
(recall Mt. Carmel)
Why the display of God’s power? God really was there, He caused it all.
Why the gentle whisper? (v. 12)
The Lord’s second counseling session
Again, God asked the same question. Elijah gave the same answer. So had anything changed? (v. 13-14)
After giving Elijah a chance to just express himself, God gently reminded Elijah he was not really alone (v. 15-18), and that there were others to help him.
4 Principles
#1) Physical exhaustion can contribute to depression
We all need opportunities to vent our negative feelings in a nonjudgmental setting
To overcome depression, we must understand and face reality
Inaccurate theological perspectives can contribute significantly to depression
God’s normal ways of communicating – focus on God Himself
God’s normal ways of communicating – focus on ourselves
God’s normal ways of communicating – focus on God’s grace
God’s normal ways of communicating – focus on God’s plan
For next week, read I Kings 19:12-21 and II Kings 2:1-14