Lesson 11: "We All Need A Friend" I Kings 19:12-21, II Kings 2:1-14
"As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you." II Kings 2:4
Remember how God has dealt with Elijah’s depression
God ministered to Elijah physically with food and rest
God gave Elijah the chance to express his feelings in a nonjudgmental setting
God helped Elijah face reality
God clarified Elijah’s theological perspectives
But now, God does deal with the root cause of Elijah’s sadness, his feelings of loneliness! God brings Elijah just what he needs! (I Kings 19:17,21)
A Faithful Attendant
Elisha was a member of a wealthy farming family in the Jordan valley (v.16,19)
There was no turning back. Elisha almost literally "burned his bridges" (v. 21) In doing so he rid himself of things to hold on to, things that could get in the way of his worship. It’s like the desert we talked about last week.
Meet the old Elijah
Something happened to Elijah after Elisha joined the team. We see Elijah responding like he did before his trip into the desert. (II Kings 1:3,4,10-14)
Why? Because Elijah was no longer alone. He had the encouragement of a loyal friend. (See II Kings 2:2,4,6)
Jesus called His disciples to be servants, but they became friends (John 15:13-15)
A True Disciple
Elisha was eager to learn from his mentor (II Kings 2:9) This too must have encouraged Elijah. Elijah knew his work would go on.
Paul and Timothy had a similar relationship. (Acts 16:1-5, II Tim. 2:1-2)
Thoughts to Ponder
A friend is someone who comes in when the whole world goes out.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
If you really want to know who your friends are, just make a mistake.
3 Principles
#1) Go designed the husband and wife relationship to be a friendship
We need close friendships with people other than our spouses
All Christians are friends because of our unique relationship in Jesus
For next week, read I Kings 16-19 and II Kings 2-7