Lesson 2: "A Place to Hide" Daniel 3 & 6, I Kings 17:2-4
"the God we serve is able to save us…" Daniel 3:17
Choose this day whom you will serve
God is – and always has been – in the business of protecting His servants from their enemies when they take a stand against idolatry
Idolatry – taking the worship that belongs to one and giving it to another. What is worship? See Exodus 20:5
The Fiery Furnace
Shadrach, Meschach and Abednago chose whom they would serve (Dan. 3:14)
Note their response when threatened (Dan. 3:17) How would we have answered?
The Lion’s Den
Daniel chose whom he would serve (Dan. 6:10)
Daniel took a stand, and trusted God for protection (Dan. 6:23)
A direct word from God
Ahab probably focused his frustration on God’s prophet just like Pharaoh had done to Moses years before
Now, God speaks, and tells Elijah to hide (I Kings 17:2)
God’s natural and supernatural provision; cool water and dirty birds (Lev. 11:13-15) Why the birds? Perhaps to remind us God can command rain and birds (Isa. 5:6) and to provide a touch of life for Elijah…
Getting ready – there is an element of preparation to Elijah’s time in the wilderness
Moses spent 40 years in the desert of Moab
Joseph was a slave in Potiphar’s house, and in prison too
Paul spent three lonely years in Arabia after his conversion (Phil. 3:4-6)
Even Jesus spent 30 years in obscurity before beginning his ministry
James tells us Elijah was just like us (James 5:17) If Elijah needed preparation, we might need it too. And if Elijah can take a stand against the idolatry of his day, so can we.
Paul understood the importance of our witness (Romans 12:1,2) and sensed God’s protection (II Timothy 4:16-18. Phil. 1:20-21)
2 Principles
#1) God does not normally speak to us today as He did in biblical days
God has made promises in His Word that are always true, no matter where/when we live