– Remaining Steadfast Through Uncertainty
Lesson 7: "Avoiding Double-Mindedness" I Kings 18:19-21; Gen. 19:1-26
"But the people said nothing." I Kings 18:21
Finding Our Place In This World
- As Christians, we are continually faced with choices between what is cultural and what is biblical
- Note how James describes a "double-minded man" (James 1:8)
- Elijah may have faced uncertainty in the desert, but he knows exactly what he needs to do now (I Kings 18:19)
How long will you waver?
- Joshua’s final message was "Choose" (Josh. 24:15) Elijah now says the same thing (I Kings 18:21)
- Asherah – The Goddess of Sex and War (see Rev. 2:20)
- Baal – The Farm and Storm God; So why the drought? Why no rain?
A deafening silence
- The people’s silence says a lot (I Kings 18:21b) What does this reveal about their intentions and thoughts?
Sodom and Gomorrah
- Lot and his family chose to live in the original "Sin City" (Gen. 13:11-13)
- Lot trying to please both camps? (Gen. 19:6-8) Is this "unstable"?
- Don’t look back! (Gen. 19:26)
Our prayer
- I am going to serve only one Master, Jesus Christ the Lord (Matt. 6:24)
- I am going to continually seek first Your kingdom and righteousness (Matt. 6:33)
- I am going to deny myself and take up my cross daily and follow Christ (Mark 8:34)
- I now present myself to You and with Your Help I will renew my mind daily in order to conform my life to Christ’s will (Rom. 12:1-2)
3 Principles
#1) Like the children of Israel, we don’t want to make a decision
Like the children of Israel, we’re enjoying our worldly lifestyle
Like the children of Israel, we’re afraid to take a stand
For next week, read I Kings 18:22-40