"Then they called on the name of Baal from morning till noon…" I Kings 18:26
No illusion!
Magicians are excellent at what they do, but their tricks are not real. Elijah is about to be used by God to demonstrate truly supernatural power
Where is Jezebel? (I Kings 18:19)
Elijah set the stage in v. 21, there really was only one choice
450 to 1. But who was outnumbered?
Elijah set the ground rules that the prophets of Baal could not refuse. The rules obviously favored Baal, to reject them would be to admit the prophets were afraid!
Futile prayers
All day long the prophets of Baal prophesied "frantically". Remember, Baal was the Farm and Storm God. Yet, there was no answer. No thunder, no lightning, no fire. No response at all (v. 29)
Elijah’s taunts and sarcasm were not a display of arrogance. Elijah was challenging the theology of Baalism. He was illustrating the folly of the Canaanite religion.
Elijah’s moment
First, Elijah rebuilt the altar with 12 stones. Remember Joshua 4:21-24?
The altar was soaked with water to prove that only God’s power was at work
Elijah did not have to shout all day. As far as we know, he only said one prayer, a prayer that acknowledged the Lord was God, and that asked to God to turn the people’s hearts back to him
God answered. The first not only burned up the sacrifice, it burned up the altar, the soil, the water, everything!
Mountaintop Experiences
First, on Mt. Sinai, God revealed who He was and His will (Exod. 19:16-19)
Second, on Mt. Carmel, God revealed who the One True God really was
Third, on the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus appeared with the two involved in the other mountaintop experiences, and Jesus was revealed as the Son of God (Luke 9:29-35)
3 Principles
#1) God is speaking through the Scriptures. Have you heard His voice?
God is long-suffering and patient.
We’re still living in God’s day of grace. (II Peter 3:9-10)