"Isaac loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob…" Genesis 25:28
Isaac’s Prayer
Isaac faced a predicament just like his father, Abraham did. Like his mother Sarah, his own wife Rebekah was barren. How would God’s covenant be fulfilled?
Unlike Abraham, though, Isaac took his concerns to God in prayer (v.21)
Rebekah’s Prayer
Rebekah must have known of the trouble that came between Isaac and Ishmael (v.18). She didn’t want the same trouble for her children, so she too prayed (v.22). Unfortunately, God’s answer was a harbinger of troubles ahead
Womb Mates
From the beginning, Esau and Jacob were at odds, like Isaac and Ishmael were.
Esau was ruddy and hairy; Jacob was born grabbing his brother’s heel.
Esau was a hunter, comfortable in the outdoors (v. 27) Jacob was a quiet homebody (v. 27)
Now, here’s the mystery. Isaac made the same mistake his parents made, and he and Rebekah showed favoritism (v. 28) Have we ever vowed not to make the same mistakes our parents did, but ended up making them anyway?
Esau’s Lifestyle
Esau’s natural bent was for freedom and spontaneity. But as he grew older, he was given over to a life of sensual desires. (Heb. 12:16)
Despite having a godly heritage, his seed was snatched away (Matt. 13:3-4, 19)
A Sneaky Proposition
Jacob was quite aware of his brother’s sensual appetites. When Esau returned famished, Jacob (his name meant deceiver) saw his chance! (v.31)
Esau traded his inheritance for a meal. He gave up his responsibilities as the oldest to ease his hunger. He gave away the covenant promise that was his by birthright to alleviate the immediate discomfort. (v.32)
Now, here’s a question about personal responsibility. Read Romans 9:11-13 Was Jacob wrong for taking things into his own hands? Was Esau wrong for trading his birthright, if God intended it for Jacob anyway?
3 Principles
#1) A great beginning does not guarantee a great ending
We must all be aware of our tendencies to let our fleshly desires dominate our hearts
It is never right, nor appropriate, to take advantage of other’s weaknesses
For next week, read Genesis 25:19,20; Ch. 24; Ch. 27 – 28:5