– Living As A Consistent Role Model
Lesson 4: "An Example of Faith and Humility" Joshua 3
"By this you shall know the living God is among you!" Joshua 3:10
When the two spies returned
- A confirmation, Joshua chose his spies wisely in chapter 2! (Joshua 2: 24)
- Whoops! How are we going to cross this river? (v. 1-5)
- A new generation, given a promise without specifics (Joshua 1:2)
- Faith is the victory, with God leading the way (v. 5-6)
Another Message from God
- God’s direct communication (again, not the first time) (v. 7)
- A specific promise – a specific meaning (v. 7, 15)
God’s Mouthpiece
- A man’s greatest temptation (v. 10)
- A man’s area of greatest vulnerability
- A man God could trust
Moving Out
- A rebellious preacher
- How can this be?
- A repentant heart
3 Principles
God honors faith but He does not expect His children to operate on blind faith
- The "experiental" trap
- Proper Bible interpretation
- A "blind leap"
- A personal crisis of faith
God honors Christians who honor Him
God is still reaching out to lost humanity
For next week, read Joshua Ch. 4