– Living As A Consistent Role Model
Lesson 8: "A Terrible Tragedy" Joshua 7
"Israel has sinned…" Josh. 7:11
Achan’s flagrant disobedience
- Everything in Jericho was banned (Josh. 6:18,19)
- This was not a new law (Lev. 27:29, Deut. 7:22, 25-26)
- Why were inanimate objects banned? Were they in themselves evil?
- Achan disobeyed (Josh. 7:1)
Israel’s humiliating defeat
- Spies came back and reported only 3 thousand needed to take Ai
- Was this foolishness or faith?
- To Joshua’s amazement, the men of Ai struck back and defeated Israel
- People of Israel were so frightened, their hearts "melted" (Josh. 7:5)
Joshua’s painful dismay
- Joshua’s emotions took over
- He was more concerned with his own feelings of dismay (Josh. 7:7-9)
- Joshua had lost perspective He had forgotten:
- God’s promise to give them the Land
- The miracles in the desert
- The circumcisions, and what that meant
- The memorial stones
- The victory at Jericho
The Lord’s specific directions
- Joshua was too mature to fall down in despair, so God dealt with him (v. 10)
- Israel was defeated because of sin
- Why the methods of lots to find the guilty?
- Achar Þ Trouble
- One man’s sin affected a nation, and resulted in many deaths
5 Principles
#1) God is a holy God
The more light we have, the more we are accountable
Beware of flagrant lying
Can this kind of judgement happen today?
All have sinned
For next week, read Joshua Ch. 8