– Living As A Consistent Role Model
Lesson 9: "Experiencing Victory God’s Way" Joshua 8
"In all things God works for the good of those who love him…" Rom. 8:28
Tragedy in Israel
- How quickly it all happened
- Within hours, Joshua was experiencing old frustrations and anxieties
- "I will not forsake you" (1:5)
- Immediately God took steps to reassure Joshua that He was still with him
- After God dealt with the original cause of the problem (7:10,11) (8:1,2)
- Reiteration (see Deut. 1:21, 31:8)
- A different strategy, but the same results (8:2)
- A lesson for all of us
A strategic plan
- A commando unit (v. 3-4)
- Backup troops (v. 12)
- Decoys
- It worked (v. 14-19)
- Caught by surprise (v. 22)
- Judgement falls (v. 23-27)
3 Principles
#1) God will never forsake his children, no matter how much they have forsaken Him
- God has made promises (Deut. 28:64, 30:4,5)
- I am with you always (Heb. 13:5, Matt. 28:20)
- If God is for us, who is against us? (Rom. 8:31-39)
God can take the mistakes His children make and can turn them into positive results
God gives us freedom to develop a strategic plan but it must always be in harmony with His basic guidelines and principles
For next week, read Joshua Ch. 8:30-35