Moses – Freeing Yourself to Know God

Lesson 2: “A Life-changing Choice” Acts 7:20-22; Hebrews 11:24-26


“He was no ordinary child.” Acts 7:20


Advantages and Achievements

·        In the NT, Stephen gives us a unique glimpse at Moses' early years (Acts 7:20-22)

·        Moses was "no ordinary child" (v. 20), and he was a "fine child" (Exod. 2:2)

·        Moses has educated by one of history's greatest civilizations (Acts 7:22)

·        Moses was not a wet noodle. He was "powerful in speech and action" (Acts 7:22)


Tough Choices

·        Moses must have seen the brutal hardship that enslaved his own people. We don't know when Moses started to struggle with the tension he must have felt. But through the years, Moses remembered the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Was it from his parents?

·        Moses had a decision to make? Whom do I identify with? To remain Egyptian meant great earthly rewards. To identify with the Israelites meant hardship.


What did Moses choose?

·        The Book of Hebrews tells us what Moses decided.

·        Moses gave up the privileges of royalty (Heb. 11:24)

·        Moses chose hardship over the comforts of this world (Heb. 11:25)

·        He regarded the things of God more than the treasures of Egypt & saw the eternal (Heb. 11:26)


What goes into a decision like this?

·        It meant great personal sacrifice, choosing slavery over royalty. Moses chose rejection over acceptance. (See Phil. 2:7)

·        It meant choosing suffering over pleasure (See Heb. 12:2)

·        It meant valuing spiritual rewards more than earthly rewards (See II Cor. 8:9)

·        Moses knew little, if anything, about Christ, but Moses understood what Christ did

·        What do we value in our own lives? Are we willing to walk away from the pleasures of this world? Are we willing to give something up in order to gain the eternal? Do we value the eternal more than the temporal? (See. Matt. 19:16-22)

·        See Matt. 6:33 and Luke 14:25-26. How can we truly follow God if others or other things are more important to us?

3 Principles


#1) God wants us to use fully the time, talent and treasures He has given us for His glory. (Luke 12:48)

#2) God wants all of us to live within His perfect will.

#3) God wants all of His children to walk through life seeing beyond the temporal and into eternity. (See Heb. 11:10,13-16 and Romans 12:1-2)


For next week read Exodus 2:11-15; Acts 7:23-29