Moses – Freeing Yourself to Know God

Lesson 4: “The Immobilizing Power of an Inferiority Complex” Exodus 2-4


“For the place where you are standing is holy ground…” Exodus 3:5


A time for healing

·        Most if not all of us have been faced with people or events that left us feeling inferior or inadequate. How did you deal with that?

·        Moses seemed to have miscalculated God's timing, and took things into his own hands. Now, with nowhere to go, Moses ran into the desert. (2:15)

·        His actions there are another indication of Moses' personality. Help those who are oppressed!

·        It helps to regroup in an environment that is free from the factors that caused our grief. What do you think Moses was learning during this 40 years in the desert?


The burning bush

·        In order to change, we first need to experience God's presence. Many of the people we've studied had that experience. (e.g. Jacob at Bethel) Now, Moses hears God's voice (3:5,6)

·        The key to understanding this passage is looking at Moses' reaction. Moses gives 4 excuses why he was not the right person for God's task What was at the root of Moses' hesitant response?

Ř     1st Excuse: 'Who Am I?' (3:11) Moses felt inferior. What a change from the Moses of 40 years ago! Where is the person who was 'powerful in speech and action'? This is why an empathetic God brought Moses to the burning bush. God's answer is in 3:12

Ř     2nd Excuse: 'What shall I say?' (3:13) Moses knew his own authority was insufficient. He learned that 40 years ago. God's answer? I AM! (3:14) (See also 3:6-8, and John 8:58,59) Notice the other name used for God in this chapter (e.g. 3:15)

Ř     3rd Excuse: 'What if they don't listen?' (4:1) Moses had already experienced this… God's answer? Miracles will be a sign that God is behind this (4:2-9)

Ř     4th Excuse: 'I am not eloquent.' (4:10) This probably doesn't mean some kind of speech impediment, especially considering Acts 7:22. Moses probably felt that he was unable to speak to someone like Pharaoh; he could not match wits with someone that great. Moses had forgotten his earlier life. God's answer? I will teach you what to say! (4:11-12)


Reluctant Obedience

·        After all this, Moses is still reluctant to go (4:14)

·        And, after all this, God's patience was growing thin (4:15)

·        God said Aaron would assist Moses (4:15,16). But, asking for Aaron's assistance proved to be a burden as well as a blessing (remember the golden calf?)

4 Principles


#1) God wants to use all of us in spite of our weaknesses

#2) God wants all of us to balance self-confidence with God-confidence

#3) God wants us to be able to overcome rejection and become people He can use in this world

#4) God wants to use our failures to prepare us to face greater challenges


For next week read Exodus 4:27 - 14:31