– Becoming A Disciplined Leader
Lesson 10: "When People Try to Hurt You" Nehemiah 6
"But I prayed, ‘Now strengthen my hands’." Neh. 6:9
The Big Picture
- They mocked and despised us (2:10,19)
- They became angry and conspired together (4:1,8)
- Now comes an attack against Nehemiah personally
A Peace Conference
- Nehemiah’s enemies come with promises of peace (6:1-4)
- Nehemiah was between and a rock and a hard place (6:17-19)
- Notice Nehemiah’s response; rather like fight fire with water (6:3)
- Nehemiah simply waited for them to tip their hand, which they did (6:5-9)
- Sanballat’s corrupt tactics
- They made it seem they had Nehemiah’s welfare at heart
- They were attempting to get Nehemiah to respond out of fear
- They pressured Nehemiah to respond publicly
- Nehemiah’s response
- He denied the accusations
- He made his response public
- He prayed
Hiring a traitor
- A man on the inside (6:10-12; also see 6:17-19 and 13:28)
- This plot was designed to destroy Nehemiah’s credibility
- Nehemiah knew God wouldn’t want Nehemiah to run at this point, and Nehemiah knew it was forbidden for him to enter the temple (Num. 18:7)
6 Principles
#1) When criticized, we must not counterattack by questioning the other person’s motives
- Chuck Colson’s experience
We must be patient and wait for motives to be revealed
When criticized by unbelievers follow the New Testament
- I Peter 2:12,15; 3:15,16; Matthew 5:10-12
When criticized unjustly, we must be bold and honest in our responses to rumors, but never take revenge
When falsely accused, we must not allow fear to cloud our perceptions and cause us to act impulsively and do something foolish
- The example of Jesus (Heb. 12:1-3)
When we follow God’s principles for handling false accusations, He will ultimately defend us
For next week, read Nehemiah Chapters 8 and 9