"The God of heaven will give us success…" Neh. 2:20
More than he asked for
3 kinds of people in the world; Nehemiah made things happen
However, he knew that God had brought him to this moment (2:8) Do we?
After months of praying and fasting, Nehemiah had his letters and an escort
A secret survey
After a two month journey, Nehemiah didn’t waste any time (2:11)
Nehemiah surveyed the southern section of Jerusalem (2:12-16)
Nehemiah’s greatest challenge
The challenge was in convincing the people to tackle this project
Overcoming negativism (2:17)
Leading proactively (2:18)
God’s Hands at work through human hands
God’s power, our hands (2:18)
Work with confidence, even in the face of opposition (2:19,20)
When I study Scripture, I see primarily emphasis on God’s sovereign control, or I see primarily emphasis on human responsibility
The concept of God’s sovereignty is in my mind constantly, or the concept of human responsibility as a Christian is constantly in my thoughts
I tend to resent people who always talk about human responsibility or I tend to resent people who always talk about God’s sovereignty
I feel it easy to withdraw from involvement in other people’s lives because of my view of God’s sovereignty, or I feel I don’t have enough time to do everything that needs to be done in carrying out God’s work in the world
I pray, but I believe what will happen will happen because of God’s sovereign involvement in our live, or I believe prayer doesn’t change things it’s because of a lack of faith on my part and an improper spiritual perspective
I do not believe that God will hold us responsible for lost souls because they have never heard the Gospel, or I believe God will hold us responsible for lost souls
I believe that those who will be saved will be and missionaries are not necessary, or I believe that people will be lost because Christians have not shared the Gospel
2 Principles
#1) We must maintain a balance between divine and human factors as we carry out our God-given responsibilities
It is our responsibility as Christians to maintain unity in the body of Christ