"From that day on" (4:16) half worked, half stood guard
Some carried materials, but they carried weapons as well (4:17)
Those building the walls used both hands, but had a weapon nearby (4:18)
The trumpeter stayed near Nehemiah, ready to sound a warning (4:18)
Our God will fight for us! (4:20)
The work continued, even longer than usual (4:21)
Those who lived outside Jerusalem were needed to stay in the city (4:22)
They may even have slept with their weapons (4:23)
3 Principles
#1) We must be on constant guard against our greatest enemy
Know who our struggle is with (Eph. 6:12)
How to stand against the devil’s schemes? Put on the armor of God (Eph. 6:11-18)
Gird your loins with truth, Satan is the father of lies
Put on the breastplate of righteousness, live holy lives
Shod our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace, don’t worry
Take up the shield of faith, how else to block the Satan’s flaming arrows
Take the helmet of salvation, we are sealed in the Holy Spirit
Take the sword of the Word of God, it is offensive and defensive
Finally, pray at all times! It is the key to everything, as Nehemiah knew
We must stand together in our battles against Satan
The example of the kind of soldier Paul is talking about
Paul says to make all efforts to preserve unity (Eph. 4:3)
Again remember Paul’s examples of the body, and the temple in Ephesians
Jesus prayed for unity in the church (John 17:21-23)
We should say with Nehemiah, "Our God will fight for us!"
Remember, when we are on the front lines and facing the enemy, know that we are not alone, that it is not up to us to win the battle in our own strength. It may feel like our lines are one soldier deep, but God is with us!