Peace Like A River

It was a wide river, mistakable for a lake or even an ocean unless you'd been wading and knew its current. Somehow I'd crossed it... Now I saw the stream regrouped below, flowing on through what might've been vineyards, pastures, orhards... It flowed between and alongside the rivers of people; from here it was no more than a silver wire winding toward the city. - Leif Enger, Peace Like A River

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Where can I begin?

A great day for the Republic. We had the opportunity to peek over the brink, and ponder a plunge into the darkness, but the voters made a sober, solemn choice yesterday, a choice that resounds loud and clear with the message that we will stay the course, we will not back down from a fight we didn't ask for, nor start, and we will continue to be the one true protector of freedom on this planet.

This was a historic victory for George Bush. Consider this, from The Corner.

President Bush...
*** Became the first President to be re-elected while gaining seats in the House and Senate since 1936 and the first Republican President since 1924 to be re-elected while re-electing Republican House and Senate majorities.
*** Became the first President to win a majority of the popular vote since 1988.
*** Received 57.4 million votes - more than any other candidate in history. He broke President Reagan's 1984 mark of 54.5 million. (96% reporting)
***Increased the popular vote by seven million votes since 2000 - more than twice Clinton's increase from 1992 to 1996.
***Improved his percentage in every state except four (MD, OR, VT and WY). This includes a four percent increase in John Kerry's home state, Massachusetts.

And, all this in face of a most relentless onslaught. Remember what the Left threw at Bush this time around. There was Michael Moore, George Soros, all the 527 money, a media that like no other time actively chose sides and openly worked to aid Kerry, CBS in conjunction with the Kerry campaign ran with the forged memos story, even to the last CBS was planning to hit Bush at the last minute with the missing munitions story, earlier the media had Bush all but wielding a whip himself at the Abu Ghraib prison, the aggressive resistance from Europe, and the list could go on an on.

All this, and yet the voters saw through all of that, recognized the threat that faces us, and made the right choice. The message was sent to Iraq that we won't abandon that country as it struggles to get on its feet. The message was sent to the terrorists that we are not cowed by them, we are still coming for them. The message was sent to France and Germany and the UN, and all the other corrupt, inept, powerless weaklings that we will not sacrifice our ideals just to be liked by those who long ago cast aside theirs.

Justice. That's what was done yesterday, justice. As the Psalmist said in Psalms 94, "how long, oh Lord, will the wicked prosper?" With the Left so motivated by its hatred of Bush, and the religious beliefs he stands for, with all that Bush had to face in this campaign, it's easy to wonder if there's anything left to hold back the evil. Perhaps some day the hearts of enough will grow cold, and America will finally fall away from it's unique place in history, but not today.

One conclusion that can be made is that the Democratic Party is in trouble. The South has become almost a Republican fortress. A Republican Senator in Louisiana, for the first time ever? Remarkable.

By the way, here it is, The Map.

Take a look at that amazing graphic. It illustrates so well what has happened to the Democrats. They are so far out of touch with Americans, they are mostly relegated to the liberal Northeast and the loopy Left Coast (regions, not coincidentally, that are the least evangelical in the nation) and a pocket in the Great Lakes region anchored by cities with liberal traditions, such as Detroit, Chicago, Madison, and the Twin Cities. That is it.

Lucky for us, the Democrats have so far refused to look in the mirror and do something about that map. They continue to stew in their hate, and states and Congressional seats continue to slip away from them. I believe it is because at the heart of it, liberals reject God and morality based on Biblical beliefs, and keep pushing their agendas of abortion, gay marriage, appeasement, etc...

Speaking of gay marriage, 11 states yesterdays had issues on the ballot banning gay marriage. It passed in all 11 states. When the people have a chance to vote, they reject these far left agendas. Is it any wonder the Left looks to the Courts to push their agendas?

There are still difficulties ahead. But this time, on this day, we can rejoice that we haven't yet chucked overboard those things that made this country great.


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