Peace Like A River

It was a wide river, mistakable for a lake or even an ocean unless you'd been wading and knew its current. Somehow I'd crossed it... Now I saw the stream regrouped below, flowing on through what might've been vineyards, pastures, orhards... It flowed between and alongside the rivers of people; from here it was no more than a silver wire winding toward the city. - Leif Enger, Peace Like A River

Sunday, December 18, 2005

When the MOB meets, elephants tremble

Had a terrific time last night at the MOB Winter Bash. Met many people whose blogs I enjoy.

Enjoyed meeting Leo from Psycmeistr, at long last. Was nice to see Ben of Hammerswing75 again. Only the second time, but he seems like an old friend already. (Ben has the best photo roundup I've seen so far of the evening.)

Talked to Kevin of EckerNet, and discovered he is an MSSE alum, and at work sits next to someone who is in the program with me now. Small world. John the Night Writer was there with his family, so got to meet the famed duo Mall Diva and Tiger Lily. Andy of Residual Forces was also in residence.

Met the Chief Dog from Freedom Dogs. What a great guy. Got a MOB T-Shirt from him. Met Cathy of Cathy In The Wright fame, and Kathy the CakeEater and her husband. Met Surly Dave, who was anything but.

Finally met Ron from NorthernBurbsBlog. Now that I know where he is located in a place I frequent almost daily, I'll stop by and say hi.

Met Tracy from Anti-Strib, and Guy from Freedom Dogs. Also met Doug of the enjoyable BogusGold.

At last got to meet witslinger Chad the Elder from Fraters Libertas, and also Mitch, my fellow NoDak transplant, of Shot in the Dark.

I shook hands with John Hinderaker of Power Line, though no clouds of recognition darkened his visage when I mentioned Peace Like A River, so I still have some work to do in the fame building department. Lileks was there, stood shoulder to shoulder (well, shoulder to ear) at one point, but he was constantly swarmed so didn't get a chance to say hi.

Doug of Crossword Bebop was there, helping a blogger newbie with some questions. Saw Brian St. Paul Ward (also of Fraters) moving about, and saw the Nihilist and Atomizer (still another Fraters) again. Fine chums.

Met Marty Andrade and Tony.

Met King Banaian and Craig Westover.

A wide range of blogs and talents in the MOB, so makes for a good party. And no one was shotgunned on the sidewalk outside the joint.


  • At Mon Dec 19, 08:43:00 AM, Tony said…

    No one was that a reference to a pregnancy-induced marriage or a gun fight?

  • At Mon Dec 19, 09:47:00 AM, Jeff said…

    Heh. I had in mind a scene with some stout-bellied Don lying in a pool of gore, but with that Saturday night crowd, a hastily arranged nuptial might not be out of the question. Was that horn that one guy (Wingee?) was blowing a mating call?


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